5 Ways to Get Relief from Jaw Pain

Are you enduring pain in your jaw and looking for ways to get relief from your pain? We are here to help you. We are going to tell you five ways to get over the pain. At the same time, we will want to apprise you that you must visit a dentist in Woodhaven as you get an appointment even though you feel relief with our tips.

Let’s get started.

Apply Cooling or Heating Packs

You should apply heat or cold packs on your jaws. You will ask which one is the best. The answer is both are great, and you can select one that you like. You should apply the packs three to four times a day. Every time, you should do it at least for 15-20 minutes.

Relax Your Jaw Muscles

You should keep your teeth apart and tongue down for a few minutes. It will relieve your jaw muscles. Thus, you feel relaxed. You should try to practice this jaw exercise whenever you get time. You will experience great relief.

Eat Soft Foods

You should avoid hard foods because they will give you more pain. Instead, you should eat soft foods that you can easily chew. Furthermore, take magnesium and calcium as supplements. You should consume 300mg magnesium and 600mg calcium. You can also take a multivitamin.

Chew Foods on Both Sides

If you are accustomed to chewing your foods on one particular side, then you should chew your food on both sides at the same time or keep changing the sides to avoid the pressure and strain on one side. You should chew with your back teeth instead of your front teeth.

Don’t Grind Your Teeth

If you grind your teeth, you should stop it immediately. The most surprising fact about teeth grinding is a large number of people don’t know they do it until their Woodhaven dentist tells them about it. The reason is, most people do it while sleeping. So, if you don’t do it in your knowledge, you should visit dentist in Woodhaven for oral healthcare check-up. They will let you know if you clench your teeth or not after examining your teeth.

If you don’t know a specialist Woodhaven dentist around you, then you should search for the phrase “top-rated dentist near me” on Google. The search engine will show you many options. You should check them and then decide which dentist you should visit.



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